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Our team has been working in collaboration with the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, Morris Arboretum, and Philadelphia Parks and Recreation to develop a robust and meaningful landscape and planting plan for the Armenian Heritage Walk.


Planting selections were inspired by the following three regions in Armenia:

Kasakh Meadow Steppe 

Pambak Forest

Shenkani Steppe 

Armenian Heritage Walk Planting Plan
Armenian Heritage Walk Sample Species
Armenian Heritage Walk Sample Species
Armenian Heritage Walk Sample Species
Armenian Heritage Walk Sample Species
Armenian Heritage Walk Sample Species
Armenian Heritage Walk Sample Species
Armenian Heritage Walk Sample Species
Armenian Heritage Walk Sample Species
Armenian Heritage Walk Sample Species
Armenian Heritage Walk Sample Species


Semi-desert slightly rolling plain, covered with scanty vegetation and drought tolerant grasses:

  • Sagebrush

  • Festuca

  • Juniperus

  • Elymus

  • Stipa


Dominant tree species in the Northwest:

  • Quercus macranthera

  • Acer trautvetteri

  • Betula litwinowii


Includes the following perennials:

  • Carex

  • Carum caucasium

  • Campanula

  • Geranium


Dominant perennials:

  • Cyperaceae

  • Artemisia

  • Asteraceae

  • Campanula


Armenian Heritage Walk Section Sketch
Armenian Heritage Walk Section Sketch
Armenian Heritage Walk Section Sketch
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